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Exciting News: Launch of Totally Outright's New Site!

April 15, 2024

We're thrilled to announce the spring launch of Totally Outright's brand new website, designed with you in mind! Whether you're seeking sexual health resources, program information, or just a safe space to explore, Totally Outright is here to support you every step of the way.

At Totally Outright, we understand the importance of accessibility and discretion, especially for individuals who may not be out of the closet or who require privacy for personal reasons. That's why our website has been designed to offer a discreet browsing experience, featuring a minimal landing page as well as an easy exit button for quick navigation away from the site.

Heading the program is Winson Wong, whose passion for serving the queer community shines through in every aspect of the Totally Outright program. With Winson at the helm, you can trust that Totally Outright is committed to providing accurate, up-to-date information and resources tailored to your needs.

One of the most exciting features of our site is a rotating roster of guest presenters who will be sharing their expertise and insights. From health professionals to community activists, these presenters will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that our clients receive the highest quality support and guidance.

Totally Outright is proudly presented by Moyo Health and Community Services, an organization dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals and other priority communities. It is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. With their support, we are able to continue expanding our reach and impact, making a positive difference in the lives of queer individuals everywhere.

So whether you're looking for information on safer sex practices, exploring your identity, or simply seeking a supportive community, we invite you to join us on Totally Outright. Together, we can empower each other to live our happiest, healthiest lives, free from judgment or stigma.

Welcome to your safe space for sexual health and empowerment. You’re totally out, right?

Check out the site here:

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