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Statement Of Solidarity

August 4, 2022

We at Moyo Health and Community Services condemn the recent actions taken by a group of individuals in the PeelRegion involving the burning of a Pride flag. We stand with our 2SLGBTQ+ community members as members of the community ourselves and allies who decry this action of hate. 

As an organisation that provides services for 2SLGBTQ+community members in Peel, we are aware of the way that this hate persists despite the wins in recent decades for2SLGBTQ+ communities nation-wide. Many queer and transpeople are questioned every year in June and July why Pride celebrations are still necessary to hold if we have been afforded with protections and same-gender marriage; when looking at this past week of incidences, including the violent targeting of a 2SLGBTQ+ community member in Toronto, we hope those outside of the community can see why. 

Pride month is intended to be a celebration of the diverse, resilient, and beautiful 2SLGBTQ+ community who have faced immeasurable hate for hundreds of years simply for being who they are and loving who they love. 

At Moyo, we feel that Pride honours the legacies of those who came before us in this fight; those who lost their lives toHIV/AIDS, those who fought back against legislation that targeted them for their identity, and those who stood together against violent raids that targeted the few safer spaces they were offered.

When incidences such as this take place, we are reminded that although we have much to celebrate, we also have a far way to go. 

We at Moyo will continue to stand with our 2SLGBTQ+ communities beyond these Pride-focused celebrations in the summer months and support them no matter what they face. We encourage you to take this Pride month to reflect on the hate that your 2SLGBTQ+friends, family, clients, colleagues, and acquaintances face in their daily lives, learn how to better support members of the 2SLGBTQ+community, and to uplift local efforts working to make the world a safer space for all. 

“I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.” – "Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet" Audre Lorde

In solidarity,

The Board and Staff,

Moyo Heath and Community Services.

This statement is also endorsed by:

Associated Youth Services of Peel (ASSP) and the Peel Children’s Aid Society (Peel CAS).

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